Immodest Dressing
Moral Challenges Confronting the Church Today (Practical Apologetics)
By Kola S.
Jeremiah, whom God used during His final effort to
save Jerusalem from Babylonian destruction because of Judah's idolatry and wickedness
exclaimed when he considered the Judah's fake perception of their doings at
flagrant disobedience to God's Law and commands "Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were
not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among
them that fall: at the time that I visit them they shall be cast down, saith
the LORD" (Jeremiah 6:15, KJV, cf. 8:12).
This seems to be a replica of what is going on today
in the church with many changes coming into the church which are unscriptural. A
situation where people cannot see anything wrong with some members of the
church parading themselves in gross immorality and sense of shame without being
ashamed of their heinous act especially on immodest dressing. Dave Miller noted
that there is a "... breakdown in the moral fibre of our nation and the
rejection ... is taking its toll on members of the church."1
Mark A. Copeland also remarked that a moral
issue confronting Christians every day pertains to immodest apparel.2 He further asked some probing questions fix: Should Christian women wear shorts,
miniskirts, low-cut blouses, tight skirts or pants? What about Christian
men? Should they be concerned about
modest apparel? What effect might this have on certain activities, such as swimming
and other athletic sports?2
The burden of this article shall be modest dressing,
even though there are various moral challenges facing the church today, they are
enormous and multifaceted; among them are immodest dressing, abortion,
homosexuality (i.e. same-sex marriages), divorce, remarriage, gambling,
dancing, alcohol, euthanasia, tobacco, dishonesty, domestic violence, sexual
immorality, etc.
II. What Is Immodest Dressing?
People today have a completely different definition of "immodesty". In contrast to their ever changing definition, the Bible stresses that "in like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works" (1 Timothy 2:10, KJV, emphasis, KSA).
The word "modest" is from
Greek word (kosmios) which
W. E. Vine defined as "orderly,
well arranged, decent, modest" (akin to kosmos, in its primary
sense as "harmonious arrangement adornment"; cf. kosmikos, of the world,
which is related to kosmos in its secondary sense as the world)3. According
to Trench as quoted by Mark A. Copeland,
defined the word "kosmios"
as the well-ordering is not of dress and demeanour only, but of the
inner life, uttering in deed and expressing itself in the outward conversation.2 In the context, this word applies not so much to brevity of clothing, but to
gaudiness of clothing (ibid.).
From the various writings of the Holy men of God, it does not take
Solomon to know that immodest dressing is the one that:
I. IS SHAMEFUL AND EXPOSE ONE'S NAKEDNESS: In the garden of Eden, after Adam and Eve had
sinned against God, they made "coverings"
(aprons-KJV; loincloths-ESV) for themselves (Genesis 3:7-10). The Hebrew word used in that
passage is "chagorah"- Strong (2290), meaning a
garment which covers the midsection, a belt (for the waist), apron, armour,
girdle.4 Despite their effort to cover themselves with such
coverings, they still felt naked! (Genesis 3:10). In order to cover their
nakedness, the Lord made "tunics"
(coats of skins- KJV) for them - (Genesis 3:21). The Hebrew, "kethoneth", "to cover,
coat, garment, robe",4 is used for a garment commonly reaching
to knee evidently God was not pleased with the brevity of the coverings they
had made. It is necessary to remind ourselves that it is shameful to expose our
private body parts because exposure of such was often a form of judgment
intended to shame the wicked (Isaiah 3:16-17; 47:1-3).
Therefore, if your own dress tends to or even exposes your nakedness or
considered shameful, then such dress is immodest.
honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and
wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and
make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof" (Romans 13:13-14, KJV, emp. KSA). Providing
opportunities for fleshly lusts is clearly condemned in the Bible. The way we
dress can excite fleshly lusts. For instance, Theodor Reik (Of Love And Lust) said, "An astonishingly great number of men are of the opinion that
women are more attractive partly dressed - than nude. They prefer to see women
partially disrobed to the sight of complete nakedness."2
The designers of mini and micro skirts also have this to contribute: "Mini-clothes
are symbolic of those girls who want to seduce a man..." (Mary Quant, London fashion designer and mother of the miniskirt). When she
was asked where miniskirts, etc. was all leading to, she replied with one word:
"Sex."8 During the hijacking of the Santa Maria in 1967,
the women on board were concerned that the rebels might have designs on them,
so they left off wearing "enticing clothing"; i. e., they stopped appearing
in shorts and halter-tops, and quit swimming in the ship's pool. If the women
of the world know what is capable of stimulating the lust of the flesh, why not
the daughters of God?2 Jesus Christ said " ... the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the
children of light" (Luke 16:8).
So, your dress is immodest if it provide opportunities for fleshly lusts!
HEART... If your dressing enhances and contributes to someone committing the sin
of adultery in his heart, then that dress cannot be modest! Yes, there is a
twofold responsibility here. The man is responsible to guard his mind from
impurity (Philippians 4:8) so also the woman must help to prevent the lewd
stare! (Matthew 5:27-30). Though lust is inexcusable on the man's part, if the
woman by her dressing or conduct has encouraged it, she cannot be free from the
guilt! (Proverbs 7:6-27). While David was responsible for keeping his sexual
appetites under control, Bathsheba surely contributed to the situation by
exposing herself to public view (I Samuel 11:2).5
We can also learn from God's insistence on Old Testament priests wearing
sufficient clothing to prevent exposure as they ascended the altar steps
(Exodus 20:26; 28:42-43). Sisters, you
can learn from it also, don't expose your body for people to stare at lewdly. Do
not contribute to someone's committing adultery in the heart for looking at you!
II. What Is Modest Dressing?
If immodest dressing is such that is shameful,
exposes the nakedness and or shapes and contours of the body, provides
opportunities for fleshly lusts, enhances and contributes to someone's committing
adultery in the heart, then what is modest dressing?
Modest dressing must be consistent with
godliness. "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided
hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works" (1 Tim
2:9-10, KJV, cf. I Peter 3:3-5). Paul, by the Holy Spirit said our dressing must be:
"modest" (kosmio) that is "orderly,
well arranged, decent, modest" (see above), not so much to brevity of clothing,
but to gaudiness of clothing. It means
"proper" (NASB). It means "showing moderation, not
excessive." This would imply that a woman's clothing should be neither
expensive or showy but should be moderate in both details. Irven Lee posited
that a woman should not dress in a way to attract attention because of the
expense involved in the cost of her clothing. She is not to be dressed in far
out, showy, gaudy clothing which will make her conspicuous in any setting.6
"propriety-NKJV" (aidos), "shamefacedness" in the
KJV. Our clothing must be with "a sense of shame, modesty, is used
regarding the demeanour of women in the church."9 It means "a sense of shame, a shrinking from
trespassing the boundaries of propriety, proper reserve" - Hendriksen.7
"moderation" (sophrosune), "sobriety" in the KJV. This word "denotes soundness of
mind," Acts 26:25, "soberness"; I Timothy 2:9, 15, "sobriety.""10
"It is that habitual inner self-government, with its constant rein on
all the passions and desires, which would hinder the temptation to these from
arising..." - Trench. According
to Barnes, the word means
"sanity; then sober-mindedness, moderation of the desires and passions. It
is opposed to all that is frivolous, and to all undue excitement of the
passions. The idea is, that in their apparel and deportment they should not
entrench on the strictest decorum."
The Holy Spirit would want us to use our sound mind and take into consideration the affect the wearing of our
apparel will have on another.
"not with braided hair or
gold or pearls or costly clothing" (NKJV): Here, the excess use is condemned not the actual adornment. Consider Isaiah 3:16-26
with Ezekiel 16:10-14. This is an example of the comparative use of
"not" found frequently in the Bible - e.g., John 6:27; I Corinthians
1:17; I John 4:10; Matthew 4:4; I Peter 3:3-5. The outward adornment is not
wrong absolutely, but in comparison to the adorning of the inner person by good
works, it is to be of lower priority and lesser importance.2
"proper for women professing
godliness": It (our
dressing) must be that which is fitting, seemly,
suitable, becoming - Kindly read Ephesians 5:3 and Titus 2:1. Such is for women
claiming to be reverent, pious, cf. Titus 2:2-5.
So for a woman (or man) who professes to be godly cannot knowingly adorn herself in a way that excites lust in
another person.
King Ahasuerus won't be angry (Esther 1:9)
were he to asked some women today as he did to Queen Vashti who refused to
allow herself to be placed on public display for the purpose of gawking at her
physical beauty (Esther 1:10-12), an occasion that many would have even loved
to display their nudity without any restrain. Our Society today may as well
ridicule Christian morality as "Puritanical" and
"old-fashioned." But the time has come for parents to teach their children
appropriate standards of dress and modesty.5 Parent must teach their
girls decorum in their clothing and their movements, accentuating their femininity
while refraining from appealing to males by sexual overtones.
The society may change a thousand times in
conflict with the word of God, but Christians had been warned that they " ... be not conformed to
this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may
prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2, KJV). Hence, we should not be affected
"by the moral fluctuations of unregenerate humanity" (Dave Miller,
Truly, it is not easy to be a 'daughter of Sarah' in our world that is obsessed with fashion and equality, but for women 'making a claim to godliness'...their adornment will be modest and discreet, accompanied with good works and their service will be faith, love, and holiness, accompanied by submission and self-restraint because such conduct is "...very precious in the sight of God. For in this manner, in former times, the holy women who trusted in God also adorned themselves..." - I Peter 3:4-5.
Dear readers, are you faced with the issue of immodest apparel? Then, you are encouraged to prayerfully consider whether your adornment in any circumstance reflects your profession of godliness, and the principles found in God's word and seek counsel from those who are mature in the faith, whose senses have been exercised to discern good and evil (Hebrews 5:4).
We are more likely to fulfil that goal set for us by the apostle Paul, that we be "...blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world" (Philippians 2:15) if we diligently consider the word of God and use it as our guide whenever we stand to dress and be seen in the public.
1 Dave
Miller, Piloting the Strait (Sain
Publications, TN, USA, 8th Ed., 2006), p.338.
Mark A. Copeland,, accessed on 15th
November, 2013.
3 W. E. Vine, Vine's
Concise Dictionary of Bible Words (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville,
1999), p. 244.
4 James Strong, The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible (Thomas Nelson
Publishers, 1990).
5 Dave
Miller, Piloting the Strait (Sain
Publications, TN, USA, 8th Ed., 2006), pg.367-70.
6 Irven Lee,
Good Homes In A Wicked World (Irven Lee, P. O. Box 866, Hartselle, Alabama
35640, 1976), p.56.
7 Mark
A. Copeland,, accessed on 15th November, 2013.
8 Irven Lee, Good Homes In A
Wicked World (Irven Lee, P. O. Box 866, Hartselle, Alabama 35640, 1976), p.108.
9 W. E. Vine, Vine's
Concise Dictionary of Bible Words (Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville,
1999), p. 340.
10 W. E. Vine, Vine's Concise Dictionary of Bible Words (Thomas Nelson Publishers,
Nashville, 1999), p. 350.