Thursday, April 17, 2014


By Kenneth E. Thomas

When? How? Where did “Easter” begin? Did first century Christians observe  “Easter?” Is it of Biblical origin? Should Christians observe it today? Did Christ or His  chosen apostles authorize the “Easter” observance and its pageantry?  The above questions are of great importance! I shall attempt to answer each of them  as clearly and definitively as possible in this study. This day “Easter Sunday” is one of  the “holiest” days on the calendars of both the Roman Catholics and many Protestants  as well. This being true, one would naturally expect to be able to read something about “Easter” in the New Testament wouldn’t you think? The New Testament claims to  have within its pages “all things that pertain to life and godliness..” (2 Peter 1:3). Also the apostle Paul by inspiration wrote, “All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God,  and is profitable for doctrine, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, KJV). Damnation is threatened to any and all who twist, add to, or take away from that which is divinely revealed in the Bible, specifically the New Testament (John 12:48; 2 Peter 3:16; Acts 3:22-23; 2 John 9-11; Revelation 22:18-19; Galatians 1:6-11).
With this fixed in your minds, think of this, Easter isn’t so much as mentioned in your Bible, let alone its pageantry, time of observance etc.  It was not observed by the apostles and early Christians. If one is to learn anything about the answer to the questions we have posed above, one must go outside the Bible to secular history and the practices begun by the apostate Roman Catholic church, which came into being years after the Lord’s church was established, and after the close of the completed and confirmed New Testament.
It is imperative that you do not allow prejudice and tradition to close your mind to what we are writing here. Don’t lay this tract aside until you have considered what we have to say. Your soul’s salvation may well depend on how you react to this information. If I am in error on this matter, be kind enough to correct me. If I am
correct, you need to learn the facts about “Easter.” Someone will say, “wait just a minute! I found Easter in my Bible. It is in (Acts 12:4).” I knew someone would make this statement and so I have copied a portion of a page from my copy of Berry’s Interlinear Greek-English New Testament so you can read for yourself that the translators of the King James version of the N.T. of 1611 AD, were not true to the manuscripts. This was probably due to the fact that both the Roman Catholic and the Church of England had by this time in history begun to practice the observance of “Easter” with all of its attendant trappings. A faithful translation would have found the word that has been translated “Easter,” “Passover” instead. In addition to this quote from Berry, I shall show you what the noted Greek scholar said about this matter. The Bible will be our final source of authority of course, not the writings of uninspired men.
Still, most of us common folks must rely on the work of these scholarly men who know the original languages for our English renderings. The New Testament was written in the common Greek language. Consider the following, please. This simply cannot be disregarded. It has a bearing on our subject. In fact this is a death knell to this observance to an honest heart.
One could be so blinded by tradition and “grasp at the straw” above and see “Easter” in (1 Corinthians 5:7), but nothing remotely resembling it may be found there or anywhere else in the New Testament.
What About the Resurrection?
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb on the third day is actually the “corner stone” of the religion of Christ! My brethren and I believe in the resurrection with all of our hearts! The resurrection of Jesus proved His identity as the divine Son of the living God (Romans 1:4) so states. If Jesus wasn’t raised He isn’t on David’s throne for He was “raised to sit on David’s throne” (Acts 2:22-36; Daniel 7:13-14; Luke 1:32-33).
If Christ wasn’t raised and exalted, we have no high priest, no forgiveness of sins, and are of all men most miserable! (1 Corinthians 15:17; 2 Timothy 1:10; 1 Corinthians 15:18- 19; John 20:14-18; Mark 16:9; Luke 24:13; Mark 16:12; John 20:19-23). We do not minimize the importance of the resurrection. Belief in the resurrection has nothing
whatsoever to do with the pageant and observance known as “Easter.”
Jesus Gave a Memorial!
Jesus instituted the one memorial that is authorized in His word. It is known as the “Lord’s Supper” (1 Corinthians 11:20). “Communion” (1 Corinthians 10:16). The “breaking of bread” (Acts 20:6-7). Jesus placed this observance “in His kingdom” (Luke 22:16-20; Matthew 26:26-28). History as well as Scripture show that this was a weekly observance in the local churches of Christ until uninspired men changed it years later (Acts 2:42; Acts 20:6-7; 1 Corinthians 11:19-34). Those changes were and are sinful (2 John 9). To add memorials unauthorized by Christ’s word is likewise sinful (Acts 3:22-23; John 12:48; Luke 6:46).
Although not specifically stated, several things may be deducted from the observance of this memorial. (1) That Jesus did come into the world in fulfillment of the prophecies of our Messiah (Matthew 1:18-21; John 1:1-4,14). (2) That He died for our sins (1 Corinthians 11:24) “Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of Me.” “This cup is the New Testament in My blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of Me.” And, “For as often as you eat this bread, and drink this cup, you do show the Lord’s death till He come.” The phrase “till He come” suggests the resurrection as well as the final advent of Jesus (1 Corinthians 11:23-34).
Isn’t it strange that the “one memorial” authorized by Jesus for His followers to honor Him, has been so corrupted by uninspired men that their corruption of the Lord’s Supper has become known to the Catholics as a Sacrament, and is called the Mass where Jesus is sacrificed over and over daily. It is carried to the sick beds and given significance which the Lord did not intend it to have. Conversely, Protestants minimize the importance of this memorial and some “observe” it monthly, quarterly, yearly, or some not at all. Too, the elements are not regarded as important by some. They substitute other elements for the “unleavened bread” and the “fruit of the vine.” Why will men bring into being things the Lord did not authorize, and fail to observe as commanded and as shown by approved apostolic example, what Christ desires of those who follow Him?
What Does “Easter” Mean?
I shall answer the above question by going to the source of those who created it as a yearly observance, the Roman Catholics. From my own copy of a Catholic Bible with the imprimatur by Albert Cardinal Meyer Archbishop of Chicago, 1965 edition.
“EASTER: This feast, commemorative of the Resurrection of Christ, is named for the Teutonic goddess of light (Anglo Saxon title Eastre or Ostera); her festival was held in April. The Jewish feast of the Passover is linked with Easter as Our Lord is regarded as the true Paschal Lamb; and in the 8th century the name Easter was adopted as the title for this festive celebration.
As early as the 2nd century, there were keen disputes respecting the day on which this feast should be kept. In 325 A.D., however, the Council of Nicaea ordained that Easter should be observed always and everywhere on one and the same day; and that the day should be on the Sunday next after the full moon that came on or after the vernal equinox, which falls on March 21, provided that when that moon was full on Sunday, Easter should be the Sunday following. Referred to as the Passover, Acts 12:4 1083.
EASTER DUTY. The obligation to receive Holy Communion during Easter time, which is generally from Palm Sunday to the first Sunday after Easter. The time, however, varies in different parts of the world according to custom.” If the above quote is correct, it shows clearly that this corruption and departure from New Testament teaching was begun within a couple of hundred years after the apostolic period. The fact is, if it began one day or one year after the final revelation was completed and confirmed, it was too late to be of apostolic origin (Jude 3; John 16:12-13; 2 John 9; Galatians 1:6-11). The information above suggests however that the name “Easter” wasn’t given until the 8th century A.D. It also reveals the origin to be the heathen goddess of light Eastre or Ostera. Now my friends, what do you think of “Easter?”
In the first century when someone tried to bind as part of the religion of Christ, practices not authorized by the men whom Christ inspired with the Holy Spirit to reveal “all truth,” (John 16:13), they were condemned in no uncertain language. When some wanted to bind parts of the law of Moses on followers of Christ, the apostles said they were “subverting your souls” and “to whom we (the apostles, KET) gave no such commandment” (Acts 15:23-24).
Today when religious leaders bind practices unknown to the New Testament on those in their particular fellowship, such as “Christmas” and “Easter,” they are subverting the souls of those who accept and engage in such unauthorized activities (Colossians 3:17; 2 John9; Colossians 2:8; Matthew 15:9).
Someone may ask, “then what about the other days and seasons associated with “Easter?” What about “Lent” “Ash Wednesday” “Fat Tuesday” “Mardi Gras;” “Passion Sunday” “Palm Sunday” “Good Friday” etc. etc. etc.? Simply stated, they fall under the light of New Testament teaching, as practices and inventions of uninspired men. They are sinful practices, things which cannot be done to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. He asked the Jews of his day, “And why do you call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say” (Luke 6:46)? Jesus Christ has “all authority in heaven and in earth” (Matthew 28:18; Ephesians 1:22-23; Colossians 1:18; Philippians 2:5-11; Ephesians 5:22).
Many folks believe certain unauthorized practices to be acceptable to the Lord if “their church” says it is alright! Not so! The Bible, not the church, the (Roman church nor any Protestant church) is the authority (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Acts 17:11; 1 Thessalonians 5:21; 1 Peter 4:11).
What Will You Do Now?
Having learned the origin and the unscripturalness of the practice of observing “Easter,” what will you do now? Will you continue to support a “church” that engages in this unauthorized memorial to the resurrection of Christ? If you do, you will be “bidding Godspeed” to every error they teach and practice (2 John 9-11). God has told those who desire to serve Him in faithfulness down through the ages to “come ye out from among them....”(2 Corinthians 6:14- 18). Will you come study with us, learn and obey the truth of the gospel of Christ and meet and worship with his people? 

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